Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stepfather! ******The Present Body*******

Stepfathers can be a pain, but mostly they are fun.When having a stepfather it makes you feel you have someone else besides your real father to talk to. In a sense a second opinion, but you can always look up to a stepfather. One advantage in having a stepfather is that you gave someone else father and the best part is you really don't have to listen to him. Unless you have respect for him. I have respect for my stepfather, but I'm not going to let him ru n over me. Reason is because I really dont listen tomy real father so why would i treat annother man with more diginity tha my father.One disadvantage is a father figure that's not your real father is always there. That can make you mad in the beginning if you're use to your biological father being present. I love my stepdad.

Him and me bonded as a daughter/stepfather thing when I was about thirteen. It's been over ten years being around this funny, energetic, generous tall slim fellow. Having a stepfather is always like a backwards end story. Saying this because you build up from when you are older and it will make you dwell on the past. It's like it's funny how you grow old with a person and yu can love the stuffing out of them but can't stand their attitude. Ther were plenty of things that my stepfather taught me as I progress and growed up. I knowledged more work skills which I picked up from him. I was taught to fish, re-light a pilot, fix house appliances, and lots of other real life problems.

Seeing the in the story Mamet and his sister had a hard time with their stepfather. Thats one other thing I would never let a person nor my stepfather put his hands on me withour doing something about it. Random abuse that Mamet sister was getting was unnessary. Because if it was me, my brothers and I would have took care of that problem before it escalated to a point wher any thing could get broken on my body. I dont think my stepfather would put his hand on me like their stepfather did in the story, unless we are playing. We play with each other a lot; like play fighting, making threatening joke towards one anothr and hitting each other and runnign. It never get serious where I develop wounds and injuries.

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